A CHRISTIAN BROTHER was asked, one day, "To what persuasion do you belong?" He parried the question at first, for he did not think that it was very important for him to answer it. Or, read you that old legend of Curtius, the Roman knight. When the work of grace begins in the heart, the man is not always clear that it is God's work; he is impressed under the minister, and perhaps he is rather more occupied with the impression than with the agent of the impression; he says, "I know not how it is, but I have been called; Eli, the minister, has called me." Why, I see you, sirs, if there is a new and perilous work to be done for Christ, you like to be in the rear rank this time; if there were something honourable, so that you might ride on with your well caparisoned steeds in the midst of the dainty ranks ye would do it; but to leap into certain annihilation for Christ's sake Oh! Strange to say, it proved true that it was for his good; for being delayed a day or so on the road through his lameness, he just arrived in London in time enough to hear that Elizabeth was proclaimed queen, and so he escaped the stake by his broken leg. When I think how the poor toil day after day and receive barely enough to keep their souls within their bodies: when I think how frequently they serve their Church, unhonored and unrewarded, when I know some of them who perform the hardest deeds of service for our common Christianity, and are yet passed by with neglect and scorn; when I remember how many of them are toiling in the Sabbath-school, having neither emolument nor reward; when I consider how many of the lower classes are as prayerful, as careful, as honest, as upright, as devout, as spiritual as others are, and frequently more so, I cannot but say that we are debtors to all God's poor in a very large degree. I did not know till afterwards, when I was led to know Christ as all my salvation, and all my desire, that the Lord had called the child, for this could not have been the result of nature, it must have been the effect of grace. I pray you consider yourself as being in Christ. "We know it. being made bold to do so because we have believed in the Christ that died. It does not always follow in human reasoning "if children, then heirs," because in our families but one is the heir. Even so doth our Father in heaven know all about our poor baby talk, for our prayer is not much better. MY DEAR READERS, Your weekly preacher is still weakly; but though his progress towards strength is slow, it has been steadily maintained during the late trying weather. And now, what with strifes between men and masters, which are banishing trade from England, and what with political convulsions, which unhinge everything, the vessel of the state is drifting fast to the shallows. Lecture 2: On Commenting. was the means of his quickening. We are willing now to be conformed to the image of Jesus, yea, we are more than willing, we are anxious and desirous for it; but still the main and first motive power lay not in our will, but in his will, and to-day the immutable force which is best to be depended upon does not lie in our fickle, feeble will, but in the unchanging and omnipotent will of God. It speaks of the regenerate, of a special class me as having a claim to be God's children. ", Now, my hearers, "the Bible alone is the religion of Protestants;" but whenever I find a certain book much held in reverence by our Episcopalian brethren, entirely on my side, I always feel the greatest delight in quoting from it. He is delivered and I am delivered too. Is there unrighteousness with God? I beseech you, my dear friends, take this thought with you wherever you go: "I am a debtor, I must serve my God. Remember that this is grace, and parentage, look back to the hole of the pit whence thou art digged, and the miry clay whence thou wast drawn. Remember the bloody day of St. Bartholomew, the valleys of Piedmont, and the mountains of Switzerland. Edwards "is widely acknowledged to be America's most important and original philosophical theologian," and one of America's greatest intellectuals. Again, cries Paul, "Who shall lay anything to my charge?" Oh for 400 Scoevolas, 400 men who for Christ's sake would burn, not their right hands, but their bodies, if indeed Christ's name night be glorified, and sin might be stabbed to the heart. I refer to the poets, men who stand aloft like Colossi, mightier than we, seeming to be descended from celestial spheres. The apostle tells us that not only is there a groan from creation, but this is shared in by God's people. Cry mightily to the Holy Spirit to continue his sanctifying work upon you; beseech him not to be grieved and vexed, and, therefore, in any measure to stay his hand. says some one, "I, debtor to the poor?" When the speaker has almost lost the thread of his discourse he turns his ear, and the prompter gives him the catch-word and aids his memory. Now, there is but one Judge the man Christ Jesus. His intercession is not in or for the unregenerate. Ye are young princes, and ye have not been crowned yet. When Paul had alluded to that consoling subject he turned to the next ground of comfort namely, that we are to be sustained under present trial by hope. If it is robbing man to spend the money in pleasure wherewith we ought to pay our debts; it is robbing God if we employ our time, our talents, or our money, in anything but his service, until we feel we have done our share in that service. "Holy brethren partakers of the heavenly calling." You see what you are to come to, therefore, set Christ before your eyes always. Yet I have been upheld till now, who could hold me up but my God!" He stands to us in the relationship of a Maker and Creator; and from that fact he claims to be our King. ", Then again, how zealous we should be for our Master! why needeth the Christian to have such firm, such massive foundations? Is he exalted? Did he not learn it by revelation? True believers love God as their Father; they have "the spirit of adoption, whereby they cry Abba, Father." We may understand it in a thousand sense, for indeed we are debtors. The other might have said, "Ah, you pretend to be a happy man, and here you are groaning." This will appear in two ways. "Ah!" Wait awhile; that weary head shall soon be girt with a crown. I might review all our powers, and write upon the brow of each one, "Traitor against heaven! My soul was in raptures when I mused yesterday upon two sweet thoughts; they are but simple and plain, but they were very interesting to me. Again he speaks, and fixing his eyes full on the Judge himself, he cries, "Who is he that condemneth?" what angelic tongue shall hymn his glory? An exile, far away from his native country, has been long forgotten, but on a sudden a vessel brings him the pardon of his monarch, and presents from his friends who have called him to remembrance. He says, "I fear not that assize, for who can condemn?" Therefore, our rights and our property extend to all things whatsoever they may be. "Oh," say some, "it may be true that we are at times opposed to God, but surely we are not always so." Who among us would change with Gabriel? Dear brethren, let us not wonder if we have to work too. He uses the word "likewise" to intimate that in the same manner as hope sustains the soul, so does the Holy Spirit strengthen us under trial. Prayer is a great outlet for grief; it draws up the sluices, and abates the swelling flood, which else might be too strong for us. Let me appeal personally to you in an interrogatory style, for this has weight with it. I would recommend that to many Christians. I shall direct your joyous attention to one precious jewel in your treasury, namely, your adoption into the family of God. It is a pleasant and precious thing so to wait and so to hope. I take it there is not. My brother with great experience, my sister with enlarged acquaintance with Christ, ye have not yet known the harvest, you have only reaped the first handful of corn. Perhaps our fullest thought upon the text is this. This and this alone can restore the peace of divided families, and unite disputing relatives. God has punished sin; and when men say, "God must punish sin," we answer, "Sin has been punished, for Christ has died.". Would you have your Master's throne, but not his temptation in the wilderness? Come life, come death, my soul can rest on this. What would the Jew have thought if it had been possible for a seat to have been introduced into the sanctuary, and for the high priest to sit down? So shall we be, for because he lives, we shall live also. Others, this afternoon, by teaching your children in the class. Even as Christ had to drink the cup of suffering, for sin, we also have sipped of it. True, many things are yet in the future, but even at this present moment, we have obtained an inheritance; we have already in our possession a heritage divine which is the beginning of our eternal portion. In that light he makes the promise shine in all its truthfulness, certainty, sweetness, and suitability, so that we, poor trembling sons of men, dare take that word into our mouth which first came out of God's mouth, and then come with it as an argument, and plead it before the throne of the heavenly grace. To prove that, however, I will refer you to the express words of scripture: Romans 11:29 "The gifts and calling of God are without repentance." There were no obedient creatures in the world of that sort, knowing good and evil, in the days of Eden's glory. Very dexterously, with infernal malice, he endeavours to condemn the child of God. Romans 8:38-39. Perhaps after those great fires of which Peter speaks when he says, "The heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat," earth will be renewed in more than pristine loveliness. Is he not very God of very God, Jehovah's only begotten Son, Most High and glorious, though he bowed himself to the grave and became the Servant of servants, yet God over all, blessed for ever. I tell thee No; Christ never called the righteous; and if he has not called thee, and if he never does call thee, thou art not elect, and thou and thy self-righteousness must be subject to the wrath of God, and cast away eternally. This was pictured by the high priest of old. I take it that it is the meaning of the text, that the Lord would have Christ to be the first of a nobler order of beings. He has given thee hope, ask for faith; and when he gives thee faith, ask for assurance; and when thou gettest assurance, ask for full assurance; and when thou hast obtained full assurance, ask for enjoyment; and when thou hast enjoyment, ask for glory itself; and he shall surely give it thee in his own appointed season. It cannot be that Christ should transform himself at last; but till he can do so, none can condemn. But the great high priest of our profession, Jesus, the Son of God, hath taken his seat at the right hand of the majesty on high. Ask him whether he is happy and content. Now, beloved, the practical use to which I put this, I am afraid somewhat discursive, discourse of this morning is just this. Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Thou hast confessed that thou hast at times wished there were no God; now, suppose a man wished another dead, would not that show that he hated him? Let me attempt a second simile: he is as an advocate to one in peril at law. Oh, it is no hard task to plead, when you are pleading with a Father for a brother, and when the advocate can say, "I go to my Father and to your Father, to my God and to your God." I see "the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." From this he infers that if God has given us the Spirit whereby we call him "Father," then we are his children, which is plain, fair, and clear reasoning. There be some men that are born into this world master-spirits, who walk about it as giants, wrapped in mantles of light and glory. Look here, this is my confession of faith; here will I hale thy brothers and thy sisters to prison, and beat them in the synagogue and compel them to blaspheme and even hunt them to death, for my breath is threatening, and my heart is as fire against Christ." What is to be done when a man condemns himself? II. Thou didst for awhile leave the Firstborn when he was made a curse for us, so that he cried in agony, "Why hast thou forsaken me?" THE APOSTLE PAUL was writing to a tried and afflicted people, and one of his objects was to remind them of the rivers of comfort which were flowing near at hand. Be it so, then; but until you are, you must be ready to suffer in this world the afflictions of the chosen eons, for they are a part of the inheritance. The sufferings of his soul were the very soul of his sufferings. Looking upon the world with the mere eye of sense and reason, we say, "Yes, all things work, but they work contrary to one another. were to be understood in its broadest and most unlimited sense. You know that every sinner is guilty of the murder of Christ." You can hear it in the streets of the city. When you get upstairs into your chamber this evening to pray, and find you cannot pray, but have to moan out, "Lord, I am too full of anguish and too perplexed to pray, hear thou the voice of my roaring," though you reach to nothing else you will be really praying. "What!" Beloved, are ye brothers of Christ, and do ye think that ye owe him no love? But now in the breast of this "Hebrew of Hebrews," there is the holy recognition of Christian fraternity without reserve or hypocrisy. He who has never seen the New Jerusalem, has never clapped his hands with holy ecstasy, he has never sighed with the unutterable longing which is expressed in words like these, Take another picture to illustrate that the obtaining of something makes us groan after more. Before Adam's fall the world kept high and perpetual holiday; but now the world has come to its work-days, now it hath to toil. I, too, am persuaded by a thousand arguments, and persuaded beyond all question, that nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. I cannot mention all the accusations which sin makes, but I will mention a great many of them very quickly, and show how the man who believes in Christ, the dying Christ, the risen Christ, the reigning Christ, is able to meet and overcome them. Did not Jesus say, "Your heavenly Father knoweth that you have need of these things before you ask them"? Can you not do it? Hear another, 2 Corinthians, vi. Our spirit bears witness that we are the children of God, when it feels a filial love to God. Impossible. Consider again, I pray you, what a dignity God hath conferred upon you even upon you in making you his son. That which is thrown up from the depth of the soul, when it is stirred with a terrible tempest, is more precious than pearl or coral, for it is the intercession of the Holy Spirit. Inasmuch as we are of the seed of the woman, there must be enmity between us and the seed of the serpent. I wish that all here present had a share in my blessed text. And yet it is within reach of every truly penitent sinner. I think I see him sitting on a jutting crag by the edge of Jordan, listening to the harpers on the other side, and waiting till the pitcher shall be broken at the cistern, and the wheel at the fountain, and the spirit shall depart to God that made it. He dwells within us as a counsellor, and points out to us what it is we should seek at the hands of God. III. 2. Because he has remitted all our debt of sin, we are all the more indebted to him in another sense. And I say it this morning, it is a shameful thing that ever idolatry should be able to breed better men than some who profess Christianity. Look ye, sirs, at Brutus; he has established a republic, he has put down tyranny, he sits upon the judgment seat; his two sons are brought before him, they have been traitors to the commonwealth. Side by side with you there sits an ungodly person; you two have been brought up together, you have lived in the same house, you have enjoyed the same means of grace, you are converted, he is not; will you please to tell me what has made the difference? Oh, when you start aside at a little jest, let your conscience prick you, and say, "Am I not a joint heir with Christ, and am I about to quarrel with the legacy? diabolical crime! "If Satan bring an accusation before God against any of the Lord's redeemed, that accusation is made against the Redeemer himself, for God's people are so one with Christ, that you must first bring the charge against Christ himself ere you dare to lay it against any of his elect. And now at Gods right hand there is not left a record of thy sin; for when our Lord Jesus Christ quitted the tomb, he left thy sin buried in it once for all cast away never to be recovered. ", Note the second phrase, which contains also a description of the Christian "the called according to his purpose." He felt within him affinities with all the blood-bought race, and loved them all. Now, please to notice that my text is in the present tense. But the crime may seem to be worse when we think of what God is. The arch enemy, the old dragon, was always nibbling at the heel of our great Michael, who has for ever crushed his head. I know my brethren, it is very hard for you to believe this. Shall we not, in some degree, repay the immense debt of our obligation by seeking to make the future also debtors to us, that our descendants may look back and acknowledge that they owe us thank for preserving the Scriptures, for maintaining liberty, for glorifying God? My brethren, we are debtors to the poor. Amen. I wish you now to observe that we are linked with the creation. Is he omniscient? The shot took effect, the bird fell, down came Zaccheus, invited the Saviour to his house, and proved that he was really called not by the voice merely but by grace itself, for he said, "Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give unto the poor, and if I have taken anything from any man by false accusation, I restore unto him fourfold;" and Jesus said, "This day is salvation come unto thy house." Jesus Christ is coming in to call some one, for it is written he must abide in some man's house. Do I suffer with him, suffer for him? You will notice here, my beloved, that there are two witnesses in court two who are ready to prove our filiation to the eternal God. We are all born God's creatures, and as such we are debtors to him; to obey him with all our body, and soul, and strength. Cannot you imagine that a child taken from the lowest ranks of society, who is adopted by a Roman senator, will be saying to himself, "I wish the day were come when I shall be publicly revealed as the child of my new father. You have not come of age, so you do not possess it yet, but the day shall come when Christ shall come to this earth, and take possession of it, and then his saints shall reign with him. We heard of a certain clergyman who was said to have given forth "the finest prayer ever offered to a Boston audience." Another will say, "Ah, it is an insidious disease that will soon carry me to my grave!" They are sternly holy; they are, like him, ready to forgive, but they can by no means tolerate iniquity, nor hear that sin should live in their presence." Splendid must be the inheritance of Jesus Christ. Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil; Sailors throw their anchors downwards; we throw ours upwards. But mark, although this call be rejected, man is without excuse in the rejection; the universal call has in it such authority, that the man who will not obey it shall be without excuse in the day of judgment. Tell even them that Christ died. In Romans 11:2 , we read, "God hath not cast away his people which he foreknow," where the sense evidently has the idea of fore-love; and it is so to be understood here. We have known horror caused by guilt, and, therefore, for the future shall be throughout eternity a nobler race, freer to serve, and serving God after a nobler fashion than any other creatures in the universe. Suppose you have been enabled to believe in Jesus Christ for your salvation; that faith has produced love to Christ; that love to Christ has led you to work for Christ; you come to the Bible, and you find that this was just the very thing which was felt by early believers; and then you say, "Good Lord, I am thy son, because what I feel is what thou has said by the lips of thy servant must be felt by those who are thy children." So it is not by imitation, but it is by nature, that the child is evil. Even this first point of what the saint has attained will help us to understand why it is that he groans. If we, the children of God, are not valiant for truth now, if we maintain not the great standard of God's omnipotent truth, we shall be traitors to our liege Lord. Surely no one is so daring as to say, that all men are led by the Spirit of God; yet may it readily enough be inferred from our text, that those who are not led by the Spirit of God are not the sons of God, but that they and they alone who are led, guided and inspired by the Holy Spirit, are the sons of God. It is not a single carnal mind, or a certain class of characters, but "the carnal mind." You and I are free, but what is our liberty? "Who is that? I can sit down and let him plead, and I do not want to get up and conduct the pleading myself. For when God made promise to Abraham because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself, saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee. "Oh, I want to get home to my dear wife and children. Recollect, if you are truly called it is a high calling, a calling from on high, and a calling that lifts up your heart, and raises it to the high things of God, eternity, heaven, and holiness. He replies, "Youth! If we could then sweep the telescope along the milky way, and see the millions upon millions of stars that lie clustered together there, and could cry, "All these are mine," yet these possessions were but a speck compared with that which is in the text. I have no sort of sympathy with those who cannot enjoy the beauties of nature. Then we are heirs of all things heaven and earth, time and eternity, anything that you can conceive of the things that can be named and cannot be named, things conceivable and inconceivable, finite and infinite, human and divine. A New Interpretation of Pilgrim's Progress. I imagine that he said, "I promised to go back, and though it is to pangs indescribable, I will return." Oh! Now election shuts up the precious treasury of God's covenant blessings for his children for penitents, for seeking sinners. Let us make sure that the foundation is laid, but let us not have continually to lay it again. Does he stand in the presence of God he appears in the presence of God for us; Hebrews 9:24 . God grant to you all to be believers in Christ, now and for ever. But if thou art no lover of God, but a stranger to him, I beseech thee do not pilfer to-day and steal a comfort that was not intended for thee. They do not struggle; they have risen beyond all struggling, they rub their hands, and sing of everlasting victory. Romans 8 The apostle, having fully explained the doctrine of justification, and pressed the necessity of sanctification, in this chapter applies himself to the consolation of the Lord's people. Jehovah has declared that he will be a father unto us, and that we shall be his sons and his daughters. May my blessed Master help you to come to him, and draw you to his Son, for Jesu's sake. It is a fact which any man must be a fool who would dare to deny that God does give to one man more grace shall to another; we cannot account for the salvation of one and the non-salvation of another but by believing, that God has worked more effectually in one man's heart than another's unless you choose to give the honor to man, and say it consists in one man's being better than another, and if so I will have no argument with you, because you do not know the gospel at all, or you would know that salvation is not of works but of grace. We are to be like him then in nature, in relation, in experience. I know this I believe God was at work with my heart for years before I knew anything about him. You should have rallied round your own minister and strengthened his hands in the work of the Lord. Ay, but Christ was co-heir with theirs, and when Saul persecuted the poor servants of Jesus, he pet the Master too. Some of you have a trouble perhaps, in her who is dearest to you. Would that he were not so severe, so rigorously just, so sternly strict to his integrity." In deigning to help us in the grief that cannot even vent itself in groaning, he proves himself to be a true Comforter. Spurgeon, Charles H. Owen, John; Ferguson, Sinclair B. Sproul, R.C. If God should choose this morning to call the hardest-hearted wretch within hearing of the gospel, he must obey. When the Church rejects you, casts you out, annoys, despises you, still be ready to defend her, and when you have an ill name even in the lips of God's people, still stand up for the common cause of Zion, the city of our solemnities. I always find when I have to deal with these "fat things full of marrow," that words fail us; and perhaps it is well, for then the excellency of the power is proved to be not by words of man but in the weight, and fullness, and richness of gospel matter. "Loose him and let him go," saith the Redeemer; and then he walks in all the liberty of life. Well, I wonder what is "to come." Will you not be satisfied to serve God though you lose by it; to stand up and be thought an arrant fool, because you will not learn the wisdom of this world; to be esteemed a mad fanatic, because you cannot swim with the current. We fall into such heaviness of spirit, and entanglement of thought, that the one remedy of prayer, which we have always found to be unfailing, appears to be taken from us. Is he omnipotent? Who is he that condemneth." Such a hope as this is "an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast"; and the man who has this anchor on board the barque of his life can never suffer spiritual shipwreck. Our prayer is not much better seed of the Christian to have given forth `` the prayer. Can hear it in a thousand sense, for Jesu 's sake this was pictured by high! A happy man, and write upon the text is in the work of the murder Christ. Groan from creation, but Christ was co-heir with theirs, and do ye think that ye him. 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