some doctors say that it also depends on how good your nervous system is, if its not well developed smoking will damage it more and hence lesser mobility of blood .after you quit smoking try to jog/run for 25 minutes early morning, so that there is more oxygen in your blood.hope this helps. You seem to have nailed it. I dont miss cigarettes, and I dont doubt that they are very very bad for you. Hi all! That's a big deal for me to find out that the only thing that has changed in three months is quitting smoking by using E-cigs. I have recently cut out the occasional and hope that the hair will grow back in. Yep!! wow, time flies. i know weed induced hair loss happens to me in my chronic phases.. my hair thinned from weed in my early and mid 20s,and teens so i know why it has gradually thinned again my hair thickened up every time by quitting puffing, exercising and eating better.. so Im gonna have to do it again.. though its so hard giving up weed.. the transition of lifestyles is just so drastic god damn it..i know Ill thank myself in the future, but the now will be painful. Patrick try patches to help you quit, Im using them and they help a great deal. As pointed out earlier, when nicotine enters the bloodstream, it constricts the blood vessels. (I know these posts arent super helpful to anyone, but I hope to post back towards the end of the year with an update.). If the condition worsens, it could result in the hair follicle temporarily shutting down, resulting in hair loss. That being said, the other reason for a temporary hair loss might simply be the effects of nicotine itself. Also, stop using those mass advertised shampoos with Sodium lauryl / laureth sulfate. I know NRT must affect different people differently, as we all have different tolerances to it. but lo and behold, i started smoking again. A simple answer is YES. The top of my hair is thinning bad whereas in my younger days my hair was so thick people found it hard to cut my hair! Anyways smoking is a waste of time and money and we dont have a lot of either these days. after reading this forum im goin to quit smoking today and exercise daily ill keep everyone updated.. Im in the same boat as you Dan. But now I am in quitting process and believe not only my health was improved but also my hairs are re-growing, thickening and more and more healthier by each passing day which is very good experience for me and i am feeling very happy with these amazing changes. The scalp is usually filled with tiny blood vessels that nourish the scalp and keep the hair follicles healthy. Wouldnt this be a great reason for everyone to quit smoking? i dont know what else to tell you. The same goes for the risk of developing pancreatic cancer.. Keep you guys posted. Note the words directly above the Add your comments button Comment moderation is enabled and may delay your comment from being visible. About a month ago I stopped smoking, while making no change to using the rogaine, and I have noticed a much more significant improvement. wish me luck guys. Firstly, emphysema is a full-blown side-effect of cigarette usage, but its correlation with hair thinning, as opposed to baldness, is a mistaken connection. Needless to say Im convinced that smoking is the cause of my hair loss and Ive quit again for two days . I thought it was heredity at first (and a little of it may be), but I knew in the back of my mind that the smoking was to blame, I probably averaged a pack and a half a week or so. Okayit would not reverse you sayokay let me my point,ive been smoking for 5 years and im now quitting(another attempt) and i loss a lot of if i stop smoking, i cant regain my hair? Im def genetically predisposed, but Im pretty sure smoking in general speeds it up and makes it a lot worse. link to How to Drop From 3x to 2x Size Fast? We are working on it. So it will take around a month to break the habit. If you think smoking e-cigarettes is healthy, thesesilent ways vaping impact your body may surprise you. Some people dont seem to lose hair from smoking and it can be very misleading -, but its not the case for most of us unfortunately.. Im coming up to 25 years old, Ive been a smoker for 4 years both weed and cigs. I immediately noticed my hair thicken up right at the front of the crown. When I was 16 18, even smoking, I was most likely young enough to not have hairloss at that point. Unlike some doctors. p.s: wish me luck. In a word, no there is no scientific evidence that masturbating causes hair loss. I wonder if this is happening to anyone else? And my overall hair volume is much thinner too. First cigs are way too expensive. A 2020 study compared the prevalence of early-onset androgenetic alopecia in male smokers and nonsmokers between 20 to 35 years old. Alkaloids have a physiological effect on the user, and cessation from habitual usage may cause headaches. Well, I ended up starting up again after a day. if you have any questions. Far too often in these situations, by the time you realize the damage is done it can be too late to reverse course without professional . Well here I am 23 years old with thinning temples and crown. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have counted close to 3,000 cases of the new vaping related lung disease known as EVALI (e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury). I smoked my last blunt yesterday and will now start a detoxing routine which includes taking chlorella and fiber daily, exercising and sauna sessions every other day, and drinking 100% water all day everyday. But if deaths tied to a mysterious, inconclusive lung illness can't get you to stop pulling from the mango vape pod, maybe the effects on your skin will. Im goin to go for it!. Anyway if you google johnny depps hairline you will see that he basically has the same amount of recession as me(I think he used to blaze because in nightmare on elm street he has the same amount of recession)and I think that he just doesnt do it more than once a month or so. Actually it looked much like typical MPB except that it was quite asymmetrical and with a little island of non-thinning hair in the middle. (i do 1 hour of exercise a day) Dont expect your hair to stop falling overnight. I would pull out so much hairs every time I took a shower I thought I was going to go bald. For example, the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) has found that vaping also contains harmful chemicals, one of which is nicotine. I went from that beautiful 3B to about a 2C And it wasnt even consistent. Your email address will not be published. My story is crazy , but might be helpful. Ive always had thick and great hair, but now its just awful! It never occurred to me that the 1 pack a day would do this. I stop as of today! I am one of those people who get quite paraniod when using weed although I know people who used weed and dont get paraniod but still have hairloss. I was depressed for a little bit because I got a buzz cut and I was like fuck im going bald and since Im a drummer my hair has always been part of my style but Im not smoking again until 4/20 which will be about six months and Ill post and tell everyone whats up. I want my great hair back! But the doctor who supposse to help me only in July10 , I m now afraid its too far image its April10. Though they are commonly said to be safer than cigarettes, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found nicotine and cancer-causing substances (carcinogens) in two popular brands of electronic cigarettes. In fact, vaping among young people surpassed smoking traditional cigarettes in the U.S. in 2014, according to an article published in the Journal of Adolescent Health. This past year i noticed my hair thinning. Additionally, multiple scientific studies have shown that regular vaping increases the male hormone known as Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which, in turn, causes hair loss. Stay strong everyone! Hii eveone.I was smoking for the past 8 years.I am 28 now.. Hi Guys, I started smoking since i was 13 i am now 27 Male. I have been smoking about a pack a day, give or take, for about 2 years now. Im way t handsome to be bald at thirty! When I go out now lots of ladies check me out and approach me even tho I have a receding hair line. @Sarah Hope you get head full of hair like before. And while quitting can be hard on the body, youll mostly start to benefit as soon as you make the decision to kick the habit. There will come a day that the bad habit of vaping wont have any lasting impact on your body and your health. i can relate to many peoples stories and i dont think that anyone here is crazy. 1) quit smoking I dont know if its smoking, or genetics. if i quit smokin will my hair regrow Ex-Smokers Reveal What Helped Them Actually Quit Smoking For Good, According to a 2018 study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, daily e-cigarette use doubles a persons risk for a heart attack. over this past summer i noticed i was losing a lot of hair. because health starts from the inside, and is reflected on the outside. If youre worried that giving up the habit will cause weight gain, a common concern, you canquit smoking without gaining weight. felt like i was living in a coma for 8 years up until now You can bend over or lay on the edge of your bed or whatever works best as long as you put your head below your heart and get more blood to your head. Ceasing smoking -compounded with a healthy lifestlye- can certainly reverse hair thinning. I have been loosing my hair evenly for about four years. I dont normally make these comments and Im not trying to bullshit anyone, but I say try quitting. i had no reason for losing my hair! I have smoked off and on for the lat 20 years but definitely smoking more now than I ever have. I had had some mild hair thinning (history on mothers side of baldness), but it wasnt too bad prior to smoking. its been 8 weeks since i smoked cigarette(and occasional joint, like once or twice per week). Anyway I didnt notice much of a change in my hair after that so I was pretty forlorn. Some people have said that it can also be due to too much masturbation or anemia. Pumpkin seed oil. 2) Smoking will thin your blood vessels, furthermore raising your blood pressure and decreasing circulation, anything that lowers circulation will cause death of cells. Well, virtually the day after my last post I started smoking weed again, couldnt believe it, after a month off and noticing the benefits I let my guard down, and guess what?, within a few days I was having a HUGE shed with 7-10 hairs coming out with a gentle pull and over the next 4 months smoked weed every day, from morning till night, what a plonker I am! Just as long as youre not doing anything that will result in a hair fall, youll be fine. Your breathing may improve, too: The two key ingredients in an e-cigarettepropylene glycol and vegetable glycerinproduce chemicals when heated that are detrimental to your respiratory tract, according to research published in 2018 in theInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Hopefully, I can be one of those people that update in the future stating I have stayed off the bad habit and have begun to notice a difference in my hair. I notice that if I even brush my hair lightly a few strands fall out. So I thought I am so dumb for knowing the reason and not facing the facts. So, in a STATE OF PANIC, I reduced cigs to 10 and waited for my hair to grow back. I like bald headed men, if that helps. i chopped all of my hair off b/c i just couldnt help it out. i started smoking cigarettes at 23. im 28 now. So, what is the relationship between nicotine and hair loss? Am 43 now so I am going to stop for good as smoking weed has so many negatives to it. Want to join the discussion? However, your genes are going to be the deciding factor on how your overall hair is. That can cause blood circulating problems, thus restricting the flow of blood to crucial organs, including the scalp. Smoking -in addition to an unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle- is a strong factor that influences hair loss/thinning. Rest assured, you are at the right place. My dads only NOW started to get a bald spot, so its kind of embarassing. i.e is it reversible? i usually wear a fitted hat everyday too. That was at age 25, and I was fresh off my last deployment in the service. I dont want to get my hopes up for a full head of hair, but if all the fluff turns into proper hair I will have and I wont have to shave it, even thou I like the style and saves time. So, you can get premature wrinkles and very dry skin. There was no issues with balding in my family. Burdock oil, massaged into the scalp and left there for an hour or two before you shower is supposed to help. I read them with a smile and sometimes I laughed because I could correlate myself to the stories. I officially will quit today 2/14/2011 at 2:19 am. i def. Smoking electronic cigarettes may slow down your hair growth, speeding up the effects of balding and thinning. if i stop vaping will my hair grow back welding portfolio example. i might sound like a sewer rat scam artist, but Im not making jack shit by doing this! life sucks! My stress levels have risen higher than they\ve ever been, and so has my smoking habit. I want my hair back, yea.but I really want to be healthy and smoke free. The only difference is the hair is falling out faster, and youre not actually getting a hair fall any longer. 3) exercise often (anything that causes you to breathe heavily and take in more oxygen will be beneficial). Ever since last year, Ive been smoking a lot more and started Some of those factors include individual genetics, age, health, male/female hormones, product use, and lifestyle choices. Also, stop smoking or vaping if you have suffered from hair loss and want to get your hair back. I have to say that was quite a traumatic time for me. Little background is im 18 and first started smoking weed around 15 or 16.hate cigs so havent even touched those.and all my life have had super thick long hair and literally over a year my hair thinned dramatically and has kept getting thinner to this day. it bothers the hell out of me. try it for a month! I also try to eat healthier and take care of my scalp with various oils and sulfate free shampoos (with ktoconazole is a plus). Ok? Its pretty crazy to have gone from having immaculately thick hair a year and a half ago, to now. I see little blonde hairs when the hair is going missing and little light brown hairs. Oxidative stress usually damages cellular DNA in the hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. "But if you're looking in the magnifying mirror every day . If youd prefer to not lower your consumption, its something that will likely go away as your body gets accustomed to nicotine. hello,i am 7 months smoke free now, i wanted to confirm that smoking aids hair loss,in these 7 months i smoked for 1 month between 3-4mnths period, just to check the effect of smoking.the 1st 3months when i stopped smoking i did not experience any hair soon as i started smoking i started seeing more hair coming out. Today, my skin is patchy and pale, my teeth are starting to chip and stain, I wake up in the morning coughing, i gag when i brush my teeth, id be lucky to run down the street without feeling horrible inside, and today i have noticed that my hair is starting to thin out considerably on the top and sides. Anyway my hair went back to an incredibly thin ugly mess but all is not lost because 4 weeks ago yesterday i stopped again and my hair is looking tons better, seems like all inflammation is gone and NO hair is falling with a pull and new hairs are sprouting everywhere. can anyone tell me how long it will take? But quitting vaping can be difficult, just like trying to stop smoking. We dont really know. thanks marla for givin me some hopes.i m not ashamed of it but i want it back more than nething else. been off weed for a month now. Ive decided to quite staring today. plz giv me a serious suggestion. Im a 24 year old Asian male, Ive been smoking weed daily since I was 20, with very little breaks. Now the thinning has gotten to a point where it will become noticable to others and if i dont do something about it now, i feel im doomed. Race? Not so much is known about them. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, daily e-cigarette use doubles a persons risk for a heart attack, e-cigarette users have a 71 percent high risk of stroke, ex-smokers offer their best advice for quitting cigarettes, One Major Effect of Blue Light on Your Skin, Says Research, Miranda Kerr Just Shared Her 4 Secrets for Gorgeous Skin, Low Inflammation, and Better Digestion, A Nutritionist Just Revealed the #1 Worst Food to Eat for Yeast Infections, Do not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Caleb Backe, a certified health and wellness expert for. Although vapes are not medical devices, side effects for the user may occur. Been reading this blog for a while, and finally got the courage to quit both of these smoking habits. now i promise you, i never worry anymore! I WILL QUIT SMOKING STARTING TOMORROW. Of course, deciding is one thing and actually doing it is another. i want to kill myself. My hair bounced as I walked. So there are hair problems in the family BUT. Stopping smoking will help your hair health and help restore the natural health growth cycle. I stopped vaping. Iv never took a break but after reading this Im going to try. 1. There is obviously no new growth yet although it looks and feels as though there is, I think it must be to do with less inflammation in the scalp. Nausea. take my life and let it be solfa notation; airborne tablets chewable; selena gomez net worth 2022; ovid metamorphoses, book 3 latin; lol). Im officially quitting today, I will report back in 5 months and give you guys a progress report. But not because it causes hair loss. As a woman, it is even harder I think because lets be look sexy with bald heads. You will also probably live longer and better. I started smoking weed when I was 25. Over time, this can destroy the hair follicle, so the hair cannot grow back. by cutting out weed and living healthier my hair has become very strong again! Here\s the evidence that Ive ignored all these years that leads me to believe that smoking is the cause of my hair loss. Its potent antioxidant properties will help reduce free radicals and oxidative stress that cause the hair follicles on your scalp to break down. All I know that my father is 57 and he still has a good amount of hair for his age, and when he was 23, he had the hair that I had 2 years ago. It will save you from losing your air. NickD, this specific blog aims at sharing experiences about whether there is noticable hair re-growth after quitting smoking or not. So when undoing the damage caused by vaping, ensure that your body gets sufficient iron. Text Size:galway international arts festival logowheelchair tennis australian open prize money buying businesses for sale. what do you got to lose? Smoking pot or cigs will cause/contribute to hair loss. New York Times notes that several studies suggest smoking can lead to premature hair loss. Not necessarily. i dont have a bald spot, but my hair has gotten thinner and it appears my hairline might be starting to reside. I started taking fin and that did help fill in the thin-ness a bit. It stimulated hair shaft elongation, resulting in longer, wider hair roots. One of the best ways to increase getting your hair back is by using vitamin E. It is an essential oil that supports a healthy scalp and hair. The good news is that once you eliminate all the contaminants from your body, hair loss caused due to smoking is reversible and treatable. Read on to learn exactly what happens in your body the minute you stop vaping. Surgeon General. Good luck to everyone! YES, your hair will get thicker if you stop vaping. I had medium length hair,near around my shoulders and a bit longer as a grew up,something related with hairfall for men,although back in that time it was hard to even see my scalp,i was proud of my full black straight hair with the thick and shiny look. If yopur hair is thinning the best thing to do is just stop smoking or cut down on the amount you smoke. Eat foods with omega-3 fatty acids to strengthen your hairline. 4 months ago i had quit for one month, and the hair i had then compared with what i have now is a very big difference. Its almost a week since I have left smoking but i can see lot of positive changes taking place in my overall health, skin, and hairs in very short span of time.I have been smoking more than 6 years and i know how much thicker and healthier my hair was before starting smoking and how badly smoking effected my hairs and health. Third, it increases inflammation in the scalp, which can lead to hair loss. On the other hand, if it were caused by other factors unrelated to vaping, it would not grow back. so that could be a reason why i finally succeeded. when i started smoking, my hair texture changed for the worse and the slow growth and shedding began. FPHL is different than male hair loss in the way that the hair thins and is not all lost. I have experienced tingles in my scalp as well as my scalp being really sore. cut out ALL junk food and fast food. Whether it is possible to reverse the effects of hair loss caused by vaping depends on the extent of the damage. Vaping with a JUUL can be as dangerous as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. And will keep everyone posted Look compared to the other benefits of not smoking hair loss or growth is not that important but we are human and vain so secretly I hope my hair regrows even though I tell my family it doesnt bother me it always has. From all who quit for atleast 2 months, reply back with results, quit for almost three months. god bless u.. Hoping that the zero intake of the chemicals in smoking will revitalise my hair again. It can happen naturally, but the rate and amount of regrowth depend on many factors. when my hair grew in, I did a test and I pulled it as hard as I could and only about 1 strand would fall out each time as opposed to 7 or 8 hairs while smoking( just slightly pulling on it) I was not loosing hair 2 months after quitting and it was the best feeling ever..I started smoking again and again am facing the same problem, just a slight movement through my hair breaks off 7 or 8 hairs EVERY TIME. Quitting smoking for 9 weeks isnt enough time for anything to happen. Its not the same shape, but the same hair is falling out. I am quitting smoking today (after reading this) and I am going to weekly records of the hair-growth-activity. You can clearly see my scalp right through the top of my head! Some substances in vaping have been proven to cause oxidative stress linked to causing hair loss. Far too often in these situations, by the time you realize the damage is done it can be too late to reverse course without professional intervention. However, I know that its because instead of spiking it up with gel, I leave it down, dry. i have to admit reading some of these stories makes me feel better about my situation, knowing im not alone out here. [contact-form-7 id=27935 title=Sidebar Contact]. Fearing that I would lose unemployment and not wanting to be a liar like half the people that use unemployment I tried to stop smoking so if need be I could pass a drug test without cheating, just in case my previous employer called me back OR I started applying elsewhere. i used to smoke pot every day and my hair kept getting thinner and thinner. Read on to learn exactly what happens in your body and your health anyone here crazy! That anyone here is crazy, but now its just awful so much hairs time... 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