All students shall be dressed in a manner appropriate for the school learning environment. In order to prevent violence, suicide and other harmful acts among children and adults in schools, the need for reliable ways to identify persons who may require assistance is a critical step. Entourage Yearbooks provides premier yearbook services that enable yearbook advisors to create amazing yearbooks that parents and students can treasure forever! Request for exemption only needs to be completed one time for the duration of the childs enrollment at the school. In 2012, Smith began serving military families at DoDEAs Maxwell Elementary and Middle School at Maxwell Air Force Base. Our schools have a moral obligation to provide our students and the school community with the proper information, prevention strategies, and defenses to create a safe, accepting and caring environment for all. Click "Look Up School" below. Please contact your school psychologist for additional information regarding the DoDEA School Psychology Program. The applicable DoD Command must provide guidance on the waiver process. Hazards that could generate the need to Shelter include tornado, earthquake, tsunami, and a hazardous materials incident. Timely and accurate reporting of student progress shall be accomplished for students in grades 412, using the approved DoDEA Electronic Gradebook (EGB) System. Excellent: Outstanding level of performance. Order your class yearbook, shop for your custom class ring, shop for your graduation needs, and show your pride with custom school apparel and gifts. Her leadership experiences include serving as an Assistant Principal and Principal at Fort Benning, Georgia; and in Europe at Baumholder, Bitburg and Spangdahlem, Germany. Unless the violation is extreme, the student will be promptly returned to his/her class afterward. Although DoDEA cannot guarantee every student a learning and activities environment free from annoyances, petty slights, or minor offenses, DoDEA is committed to creating and maintaining an environment free from unlawful discrimination and will not tolerate incidents of discriminatory unequal treatment, hostile environments (including those created by sexual assault and sexual harassment [discussed in greater detail below under Student Conduct and Discipline]), or impermissible disparate impact based on a students protected class, or retaliation against anyone because they have made a complaint, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation related to an allegation of discrimination. She then taught English and Civics at a high school. A school bus or any device operating to provide student transportation will function as an extension of the school. Find an Existing Order. The primary objective of school discipline is to maintain a safe and orderly environment that positively affects academic achievement. Each child works at his/her own pace, so the amount of time needed to complete specific assignments may vary. During this time email and help functionality will not be available. Dr. Lamonski has devoted her career to educating our children and believes in excellence for all. william brewster van zandt; when is the next wimberley market days; national police and troopers association; Community. Notification must occur as soon as unsatisfactory achievement is evident, and not later than the midpoint of the nine-week grading period. Parents are welcome to visit the school and classrooms to observe the schools programs for brief periods of time that do not interfere with instruction. Any change to the designated location must be approved by the schools front office before the visitor/volunteer can access a different location within the school. Brewster Middle School offers an academically gifted program to identified students. The child must require a specially designed instructional program. The District has approximately 30,000 students and 3,900 employees. DoDEA does not recognize sexual or romantic interactions between any student and a DoDEA employee or volunteer to ever be consensual, even if the student is of the lawful age of consent. Allergic reactions can range from mild symptoms to life-threatening reactions. At a minimum, one assignment or grade should be recorded per week in the EGB System. Students will keep their lockers neat and handle them in a careful manner. She earned her Bachelor's of Arts Degree in Education from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a Master's Degree in Reading Education and a Master's Degree in School Administration, both from Fayetteville State University. Students entering grade 12 must have successfully completed grade 11 and earned a minimum of 19 course credits. Use of personal social media between parents/teachers/students is discouraged. The purpose of the student dress code is to promote a safe, positive learning environment and to establish reasonable standards of health and decency in all of our schools. The principal may make reasonable accommodations to the policy based upon a student's documented religious beliefs and/or documented medical conditions. These requirements represent the minimum and do not necessarily reflect the optimal immunization status for a student. All DoDEA students in grades or programs identified for system-wide assessments shall be included in the DoDEA Comprehensive Assessment System (DoDEA-CAS), in accordance with DoDEA Regulation 1301.01, Comprehensive Assessment System, October 4, 2018. It is also an opportunity for parents to become actively involved in their child's learning and for each child to reach his/her full potential. DoDEA Schools provide a warm and nurturing environment for students. This is a system-wide way for parents to get involved in their childs local school. Achievement codes will be given at the end of the second, third and fourth marking periods for students in grades K1. Use the mass notification system or public address system, stating: Shelter [identifying the hazard]! This command is typically called by the DoDEA designated official but may be called by students, teachers or first responders. Curb-to-curb only applies to students with disabilities who require such service as documented in the students IEP. and school athletic letter sweaters. Ringworm lesions must be covered for school attendance. Parents are encouraged to seek immediate resolution of problems. A copy of this certificate must be kept in the classroom at all times and a copy retained by the School Nurse in an animal/pet veterinary clearance file. As a result of our response throughout the pandemic, infection rates among students and staff remained remarkably low. The school nurses responsibilities include: Do not send your child to school if he or she is ill. Brewster Junior High School was established in 1967, educating students of grades six through eight. This is the official page of the Brewster Central School District. She was the DoDEA Georgia/Alabama Teacher of the Year and named a Woman of Distinction by the Columbus, Georgia Optimist International Club. Signs are posted throughout the campus to remind the students of this policy. If a student's dress or appearance violates this dress code, the student will be given an opportunity to correct the problem and the students parent(s) will be notified of the violation. This position works in a collaborative . Due to classroom transitions throughout the school day, it is not always possible to relay phone messages to students. It is the home of the Expeditionary Forces in Readiness. Thank you for your continued support throughout the school year. The pandemic is not over yet, and we as a school system must continue to remain prepared and agile. We offer four elementary campuses, a Fine Arts Academy, an intermediate school (grades 5 and 6), a middle school (grades 7 and 8), a high school (grades 9 through 12), and an alternative . Brewster Middle School was named in honor of Brigadier General David Lukins Shoemaker Brewster. Students will not wear scarves that cover all or part of the head. Parents/sponsors of current and prospective elementary/middle/high school students should contact the schools registrar directly for assistance. The ECISD encompasses 945 square miles which makes it one of the largest in the nation. Search and browse yearbooks online! This includes, but is not limited to, hats, caps, hoods, headphones, sweatbands, bandanas and/or scarves worn on the head. The decision to close school during the day is announced as soon as possible through our AdHOCsystem. We will continue to use an integrated package of prevention and control measures to avoid COVID-19 transmission in our schools. Our publication celebrates students through their portraits and photographs, capturing typical student activities with an emphasis on the graduating class. Students also may live in one of four other housing areas which are located off the main installation and include Knox Cove, Tarawa Terrace I and II, and Midway Park. Also, team building activities and team or grade level meetings can be conducted during advisory time to address specific matters. Brigadier General Brewster was awarded the Legion of Merit award for actions during World War II. Round Lake-Brewster School District 2907 915 4th Ave PO Box 309 Brewster, Minnesota 56119 Phone: 507-842-5951 Fax: 507-842-5365 Unclaimed items will be donated to the Thrift Shop, Navy Relief or other appropriate agencies. An absence from school or a class without written verification from a parent or sponsor will be unexcused. The school, group, designer names and students initials together will not exceed the size of a dollar bill. 1984 Sansom High School Yearbook. Teachers will be notified of any restrictions that affect students in their classes. The Rochester Community School District is part of a treasured community that is rich in tradition, where partnerships between families, schools, and businesses are integral for student success. Students who are tardy due to government transportation are excused and will not need to obtain a late slip from the office. For safety reasons, all visitors and volunteers must report to the schools front office immediately upon entering the school. football, basketball, track, etc.) The hoodie and sweatshirt may have on the front the name or initials of any CLCS school, college or university, United States military service, or designer brand (e.g., Nike or Izod). There are several housing areas aboard the main base and two aboard the Air Station. Order now through September 16th ($55) and add personalization ($8) to receive 4 free icons. The ESOL Program builds students social, cultural, and academic skills so that identified ELLs succeed in an English language academic environment that provides equitable access to college- and career-ready opportunities as their English-speaking peers. Wanting to work more closely with students, she accepted the position as assistant principal for Osan Elementary School in South Korea. Goal 2: All students will improve literacy and math performance as evidenced by growth and proficiency by the SY 19-20 DoDEA Summative . Goal 1: All staff will implement with fidelity the Mid-Atlantic Framework for Teaching and Learning as evidenced by data from Focused Collaboration, Learning Walk-Through, SST, and MTSS . Yearbook. Check out all of the available resources for your Middle School Yearbook Project. The ESOL Program involves teaching listening, speaking, reading, writing, and study skills at the appropriate developmental and English language proficiency levels. The freedom to engage in religious expression in school does not include the right to compel other students to participate in religious practices or discussion. Brewster Middle School Continuous Improvement Plan School Year 2019-2020. If the school or classroom is unusually cold, the principal or designee may allow the wearing of outerwear in the building. Students who enroll in DoDEA schools are required to meet specific immunization requirements (DoDEA Regulation 2942.01, School Health Services, September 2, 2016). Students are expected to dress in a manner that complies with the schools dress code policy as directed in DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1353.01, Students Rights and Responsibilities, April 6, 2021. Sue Buchanan Hartford Kitchen Staff. The students clothing shall be clean and have no rips, tears, or holes. Currently, all 50 states, DoDEA and the District of Columbia participate in this interstate compact, which provides uniform policy for resolving the educational challenges experienced by military-connected children as they transition between school systems. Students are allowed to use personal water containers (plastic only, please) in classrooms and other instructional areas as appropriate. DoDEA school counselors provide comprehensive counseling programs to all students in grades K12, in accordance with DoDEA Regulation 2946.1, School Counseling Services, July 13, 2009, and DoDEA Manual 2946.2, Department of Defense Education Activity School Counseling Services, January 1, 2006. This form must be filled out and signed by the prescribing state licensed medical provider and also signed by the sponsor/parent/guardian. The color of all dress code bottoms will be solid. For more information about the DoDEA-CAS, including the testing administration matrix, test descriptions, and testing calendar, please refer to: Depending on the students ability and capacity, the student may be considered for placement in the next higher grade. As a general rule, the parent or sponsor will be notified by the school administrator or school nurse if a child has: Please inform the school nurse of any medical condition and health concerns your child may have to better serve and protect your childs welfare in accordance with DoDEA Regulation 2720.1, First Aid and Emergency Care, September 8, 2003. Edinburg, is a closely knit community which strongly emphasizes the value of providing a good education. Please allow 5 business days for processing of all volunteer request forms. These garments must be worn at waist level and must have hemmed seams (no frayed seams). #BrewsterPride 3,738 people like this 4,188 people follow this 849 people checked in here (845) 279-8000 Public School brewsterschools brewsterschools Photos If it becomes necessary to close schools, to delay the school day start time or to dismiss students early, the announcement and instructions will come from the DDESS North Carolina Camp Lejeune District Schools Superintendent's Office. or healthy pre-packaged treats, which would be distributed after lunch services. Parents may attend the study trip with the child in these instances. DoDEA District Superintendents, in coordination with the District Logistics Chief and the supporting military installation commanders, will establish a commuting area to determine eligibility for transportation of dependent students. In case of early dismissal due to inclement weather or other unforeseen situations, parents should make plans ahead of time so their children will know what to do. Students are tardy if they arrive at school or their homeroom after 7:40 a.m. Parents will be contacted if their child is on the school grounds prior to 7:30 a.m. Students who arrive at school after 7:40 a.m. must report to the front office to sign in and will be asked for a note from their parent which must provide the reason for being tardy. New yearbook. Additional clarifications and restrictions are provided in subparagraphs 11a through 11hbelow: Sunglasses or headgear will not be worn inside the school building. The policy will also be enforced on all school district property including school buses and other school vehicles. Allen (John T. Allen Junior High School) -- The Gold Rush and Bulldog. Align to clearly defined standards and objectives within the content domain being tested, Be valid and reliable and controlled for bias. Households must reapply every school year for free and reduced-price meals, beginning no earlier than July 1st. The sponsor/parent/guardian needs to bring the signed form and the medication to the school nurse. Your very proud principal, Mrs. Zulema Garcia Read More About Us News Yearbook 2022 23 Sales Yearbook Club is selling the 2022-23 Brewster School Yearbook. Parents may be notified. The pet owner will provide a copy of the Veterinarian certificate for the Principal and School Nurse prior to bringing the animal or pet into the school. If we are unable to reach a student's parent/guardian by the time teachers are released, the teacher will bring them to the office and the office staff will assist in contacting the parent. In accordance with Section 6 of DoDEA Regulation 2720.1, should a student sustain a more serious illness or injury, the school nurse will make a judgment call based on nursing assessment to determine if the student needs emergency medical care requiring a response by an emergency medical team (EMT) and possible transportation for treatment at a health care facility. After signing in at the front office, the student will be given a pass to the class in session. In accordance with the policy stated in DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1347.01, Student Disciplinary Rules and Procedures, April 7, 2021, discipline shall be progressively and fairly administered. Lockdown is called when there is a threat or hazard inside the school building. The primary purpose of this position is payroll processing, accounts receivable as well as assisting with day to day operations in the HR/business office. The exclusion will remain in place until such time that the DoD Command determines that the outbreak is over and that it is safe for the student to return to school. He then went on to serve as the interim assistant principal at Fort Rucker Elementary School and Primary School, assistant principal at Mahaffey Middle School, and principal at C.C. Handbook | Brewster Middle School | DoDEA School Address and Contact Information 883 Stone Street Camp Lejeune, NC 28547-2520 Phone: 910-451-2561 Fax: 910-450-7414 DSN Phone: 751-2561 DoDEA's Mission Educate, Engage, and Empower each student to succeed in a dynamic world. A directory of School Liaisonsis updated annually and can be found at: The Transportation Supervisor will contact PMO to determine road conditions and road usability. Dr. Lamonski served most recently as a Professional Learning Instructional Systems Specialist at West Point, New York. Welcome to Brewster Middle Schools Home page Brewster Middle School encompasses grades 6 through 8, located on Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. (910) 907-0201. Students who have immunization(s) due during the school year will have 10 calendar days from the due date to receive their vaccine(s) and to submit documentation to the school. You can search with your email address if you first open. A student who will reach his or her fifth birthday on or before September 1 of the school year is eligible to be enrolled in kindergarten in DoDEA. Therefore, study trips may be ongoing throughout the school year. The DoDEA Notification System (DNS)allows for each school to contact all of their parents and/or staff with one phone message through an automatic dialing system. Brewster High School - Rampage Yearbook (Tampa, FL), Covers 1 - 2 | has the largest online yearbook collection of college, university, high school, middle school, junior high school, military, naval cruise books and yearbooks. Call the Camp Lejeune Information System at 910-451-1717 (Selection 5). It also includes the right to be free from an adult, or another student, trying to exploit their position of authority or influence over a student to force or manipulate them into an inappropriate personal and/or sexual relationship, even if the student does not think it is harmful. Students with more than 5 unexcused tardies and/or early dismissals and students with more than 7 unexcused absences may be referred to the Student Support Team (SST) and then to the Command if the problem is not resolved. She was also awarded the Dr. Mary E. Walker Forces Command Certificate of Achievement. She has four children, with three out of four family units actively serving in the military. When possible, a targeted search of the students person shall be conducted in a private room, or non-public area, and by a school official of the same sex as the student. In accordance with DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1443.01, Volume 1, Executive Order 13160 Administration: Compliance Requirements and Appeals, February 22, 2019, all high school students, and middle school students in some cases, are provided the opportunity to participate in the Interscholastic Athletic Program without unlawful discrimination based on their race, sex, color, national origin, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, status as a parent, or other factors unrelated to that participation. Ready to reconnect Register now to reconnect with all 459 Brewster Middle School alumni Alumni List Last Name: Valeria Alcaraz reynoso 2017-2021 George Allen 1966-1970 Rebecca Archer 1997-2000 Steven Boone 1987-1991 Jasmine Burson ellis 1997-2001 Andrew Carpenter 1969-1971 Bill Charlton 1970-1972 Jessica Chester 1986-1990 Nikia Childers 1998-2000 Cold weather and rain outerwear (i.e., jackets, heavy coats, or raincoats) may be worn to and from school, but such outerwear may not be worn indoors during the day. Students will be identified as present or absent, based on the following criteria: DoDEA considers the following conditions to constitute reasonable cause for absence from school for reasons other than school-related activities: Unexcused absences may result in school disciplinary actions. Principals will continuously publish procedures to notify parents about the Base Information Line, 451-1717 (Selection 5) and the Schools Information Line 451-0995. DoDEA school administrators, in partnership with sponsors/family members, students, and military leaders, promote communication through the establishment of school boards to address issues (school initiatives, procedures and policies) locally. Parents are encouraged to follow the chain of command when issues/concerns arise: please speak with your childs teacher first, then administration. lakeview elementary school yearbook. All employees shall cooperate with the FAP process. Many of our children have two working parents, and we understand the problems that early dismissal might cause. Laurel School is seeking a detail oriented, customer service focused professional for a full time, 12 month payroll/accounts receivable position. Instead, please contact this office by phone or in writing. Advisory sessions will be conducted at least once weekly, unless otherwise directed by the Principal. The Principal or his/her designee will check on the status of their school facility and provide a report to the Supervisory Logistics Specialist. Counseling programs are designed to foster a foundation for lifelong learning by removing barriers to students academic success. Hauser 1958-1984 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 In addition, the Transportation Supervisor will contact the Weather Station at New River Air Station for road conditions and future storm predictions. Proof of on-base residence (applies to students enrolling in DoD domestic schools). Skate shoes are strictly prohibited anywhere on campus. No writing is allowed on the front, back, or sleeves of the hoodies, sweatshirts, or sweaters other than what is specified in this policy. We make it easy for first time yearbook creation. They are experts in student mental health and learning/behavior, and they partner with various stakeholders throughout the school and community to support students academic and emotional needs. While Ms. Gilliard was Principal at J.W. A temperature greater than or equal to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. For purposes of calculating a students high school GPA, the following scales shall be used: In accordance with the policies and procedures in DoDEA Regulation 1377.01, Student Progress Reports, September 4, 2018, it is DoDEA policy to issue a progress report every 9 weeks for any student present or enrolled for at least 20 instructional days or more in a marking period. Brewster Middle School Principal. Resume is Brewster High School's yearbook. The investment of time and resources into our College and Career Readiness Standards has positioned us to further and more fully embody our mission to Educate, Engage, and Empower military-connected students to succeed in a dynamic world. Contact your school nurse for additional information regarding the DoDEA School Health Services Program. DoDEA accepts the official courses, grades and earned credits of middle school (grades 78) and high school (grades 912) students who transfer to a DoDEA school from other DoDEA schools or who earn course credits in an accredited non-DoD system (public or private), correspondence, online, and/or home-school program. 883 Stone St. Camp Lejuene, NC 28547. Any solid color or solid denim collared dresses may be worn. The parent must provide written consent for the medication to stay with the student. Parents are strongly encouraged to work closely with their child's teachers to ensure all class assignments are completed in a timely manner. Step 2- The parent and teacher meet with the principal if the matter is not resolved in step 1. Lanier Middle School. Brewster Middle School has good partnerships with parents, our PTA, the adoptive unit 2nd Tank Battalion, and the Camp Lejeune community. Office Hours Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sat - Sun: Closed . Our school's goals and priorities are threefold: ensuring achievement for all students, providing a safe and nurturing environment in which students want to learn, and ignite an interest in becoming innovative 21stCentury learners and global citizens. If a student enrolls in CLCS after the school year begins, he/she must be in compliance with this dress code policy within two weeks after enrolling. Parents should notify the school of their childs absence 30 minutes after the start of the school day. Accessories (e.g., scarves worn around the neck, neckties, and belts) may be worn if consistent with this policy. In accordance with DoDI 1342.29, Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children, January 31, 2019, for students transitioning from a sending school system to a DoDEA school, at the time of transition and regardless of the age of the student, the DoDEA school shall enroll the transitioning student in the same grade level as the students grade level (i.e. Contact your school first to find if they have a stockpile of a few extra yearbooks. TuesdayMarch 14. The workload and social adjustments are greater here than at the elementary school but the support remains the same. 883 Stone Street A student placement committee would be convened to consider such a request and submit a recommendation to the Principal for a final decision. Students who withdraw prior to the 20-day limitation of the accelerated withdrawal policy will receive withdrawal grades rather than final grades. Also, students may receive enrichment during this time. In accordance with our antiterrorism/force protection plan, the school will be evacuated unless otherwise determined by the command and our district office. Phone: 910-451-2561 DoDEA celebrates CTE Month every February as a reminder to students that Career and Technical Education programs are available to all those who want to pursue a college education; enlist in the military; or enter directly into the workforce. Email Hollie Butler. If parents would like to acknowledge a student's birthday in the classroom it is suggested that they bring non-food items (pencils, erasers, etc.) This includes resolving all issues of interpretation or application of the CLCS student dress code policy. He was assigned to duty with the First Marine Amphibious Corps in 1943. After completing an administrative internship from 2005 to 2006, she served as Assistant Principal of John Griffin Middle School in the Cumberland County School District from 2006 to 2009, then as Principal of the J.W. Franklin High School Alumni Class List. Student Drop Off/Pick-Up Procedures; 8th Grade Moving Up Ceremony; Daily Health Screening; NJHS Induction Ceremony; WMS Recognition Ceremony; Scholars Awards The four- to six-year plan is managed in Choices360 and is designed to teach students how to create and attain their graduation, college, and career goals, while taking into account their interests, aptitudes, and graduation requirements. Dr. Wares teaching career continued in Atlanta, Georgia where she taught in Fulton County and later for Gwinnett County schools. Accelerated withdrawal will only be considered if the parent/sponsor presents PCS orders. Dr. Lamonski received her bachelors degree in Liberal Arts with an emphasis in Elementary Education from Adams State College, Alamosa, Colorado and later earned her Masters of Science Degree in Education from St. Bonaventure University, St. Bonaventure, New York. Any student who is in violation will receive no credit. 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