2. 67. I hope you know CPR, because you just took my breath away! Hi, Im wasted but this condom in my pocket doesnt have to be. Lets meet up You bring your beaker, and Ill bring my stirring rod., 2. I like to compare myself with Smeargle Im pretty handy with a paintbrush., 13. Can I put yours in my mouth? 11. If you were oxygen, I would be an alkali metal so I could get in you and explode., 18. Baby my symplectic width might be a problem for u but dont worry., 57. 72. Thats okay; pirates arent afraid to sail the Red Sea., 29. One night I looked up at the stars and thought, Wow, how beautiful. But now that Im looking at you, nothing else can compare. You can be the pasta and Ill let you mix yourself up with my balls. Can I measure your foot with my foot long retraceable stick!, 38. Its kind of slutty when girls give blowjobs to strangers, so lets get acquainted first shall we? I would love to come forward and say I visually enjoy you. Ask for your match's number in a goofy way to make them laugh. Because youve made a part of me move without even touching it. Fuck me if Im wrong, but dinosaurs still exist right? 13. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University. 79. So here I am. Girl, we go together so well. Lets go to my place and do some math. I've aggregated the last year or so of pick-up puns posted on r/Tinder into a name-based list of pick-up lines. Are you Darth Vader, because I wouldnt mind if you used a little force to choke me., 21. . "You're so beautiful you made me forget my pick up line.". wink -, 24. Can you start printing out some missing person posters? FACT: Kissing burns 6.4 calories a minute Ummm, wanna work out? I was feeling a little off today, but you definitely turned me on., 54. Call me parabola, Cause theres a conic section in my pants., 55. Here are our favorite French pick-up lines. My zipper. I can take my pants off in two seconds. 155. When that happens, instead of getting laid like you want, youll end up with a drink sloshed onto your face. Can I have your Instagram? Because dat a.. is calling me. Did it hurt? 88. I just popped a Viagra. Its like a French kiss, but down under., 25. Lets go back to my place and violate the Jedi Code., 12. Pizza is my second favorite thing to eat in bed. Baby were asymptotic you get on top of me, and in the limit, we become one., 59. You can strip and Ill poke you. 26. How would you like to see my viridian forest, well its not really viridian., 9. 142. Because your pussys getting smashed tonight. You look so good, I wanna kiss your lips and move up to your bellybutton. 26. When you fell from heaven? Excuse me, I am about to go masturbate and needed a name to go with the face. Wasnt I supposed to eat you somewhere?, 8. Does your job blow? I need help filling a hole. Because guess who wants to be inside them. What's a perfect gentleman like me doing without your phone number? I always thought happiness started with an h, but it turns out mine starts with u.. I just had to tell you, your beauty made me truly appreciate being able to see. 27. Im surprised the restaurant/bar/etc. What has four legs and doesnt have the most beautiful girl on it? If you dont want to have sex after that, we wont., 24. Are you a 45-degree angle, because youre perfect., 13. 48. I may not go down in history, but Ill go down on you. I seem to have lost my numbercan I have yours? If I were a cat I'd spend all 9 lives with you. If you let me borrow a kiss, I promise Ill give it right back. This pick-up line is great because it has a little story in it. Hi, Im a burglar and Im going to smash your back door in. 1. Why dont you panic your parents and stay over at mine tonight without telling them? Are you any good at boxing? Are you a chocolate cake? What do you say we go upstairs and work out a remedy? I wanted to test my gag reflex and was wondering if you had anything to stick down my throat., 36. Will you marry me for just one night?, 7. Lets play a little TSA roleplay. Ill kiss you in the rain so you get twice as wet. Call me Galena, because I'll leave residue all over your fingers. Dont worry, you can pay in kind. 39. 2. Hard to get off, but extremely satisfied once you do. Have you got a napkin? In concise terms, a pick-up line is a humorous conversation opener to grab a person's attention and engage them in a conversation for romantic purposes. These ones do! How kinky are you? Do you know what my shirt is made of? 132. Trust me; you wont need a Time-Turner to come again., 8. Keep originality in mind. My house is called the Shrieking Shack for a reason. 11. 83. Dont worry about drinking your calories, Ill help you burn them off. 82. Its nine inches of wood with a dragon core, and it didnt come from Ollivanders., 11. Just to be clear, were both heading for the same bed tonight, right? If you're looking for pick-up lines for specific names. I promise it doesnt smell worse on the inside., 15. Would it be weird if I wanted to bang your brains out, or just that I didnt call you after? Are you a doctor? Catch up with your crush's inertia in motion. Because you're powering up my Syncro. Youre like Pringles; once I pop you, I cant stop you., 6. Because I wanna taste you again and again without any sense of shame. Questions250 Truth or Dare Questions. 22. 146. 200 Of The Cringiest Pick-Up Lines Ever. You might think that the old days of using cheesy, or filthy, pick-up lines are a thing of the past, however, knowing a few might be the difference between going home alone or spending the night with something other than your teddy to cuddle. Are you butt dialing? They may even put a smile on her face. You should join the circus. 91. In my lap., 27. These can be sweet, cheesy or even funny. You're always off to a good start if you can make them laugh. This may seem corny, but you make me really horny. My dick. Ill flip a coin. 53. I heard you like Magic, well bend over and watch my d*ck disappear., 1. 101. I wanted to meet you (direct and honest about your intention) Do you wanna battle? I want to violate the Jedi code all over you., 19. 17. 36. My biology teacher told me that the lips are the most sensitive part of the body, wanna find out if she was right? You sure like my backyard; I would really love to dig you up. I think the only way you could possibly be more beautiful is if I got to know you. Find out the different Valorant agent pick up lines with top fan-favorite quotes that can have multiple meanings. Hey girl, is your name winter? Well, lets go on a picnic and find out. You lose now take off your clothes., 18. Hey girl. You could say I'm your satellite because I orbit around you. I may look like an Ewok, but Im all Wookie where it counts, baby., 1. Wanna give it some mouth-to-mouth?, 40. You see that bright light to the right of that red one? I'm just being extra nice to you since you're extra attractive.". Trust me, Im not drunk; Im just intoxicated by you. 16. Like roleplay? 5. 158. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. We should do it together sometime! Try me once and if you dont like it, what have you wasted? Youre so beautiful youre making all the other girls look bad. When I look in your eyes, I see a very kind soul. Im scared of getting pregnant, so do you want to go up to my room and help me test all my condoms?, 5. Lets make like the pages of this guidebook and get under the covers., 28. Cause youve got fine written all over you. You, me, handcuffs, and whipped cream: interested?, 6. I want you to be the girl who takes my virginity. (pause) Oh, sorry, its just that you look just like my next girlfriend. Do you ever get tired from running through my thoughts all night? Cause I got the STD and all I need is U. Whatll you say we make like Winnie-the-poo and I can get my nose stuck in your honey jar., 23. ], 22. Your tits are so beautiful I wont even pretend to know where your face is. Because youre making me want to go down. 61. I thought this was a bar, but I must be in a museum because you truly are a work of art. 76. You strip, and Ill poke you., 48. 177. Are you hungry? If you were an elevator, what button would I have to push to get you to go down? You must be a conjugate prior, cause that posterior is tractible!, 51. You, however. Could you try calling it to see if it works? 145. Did you send the invitation to the party between your legs in the post or do you wanna give it to me in person? I have an opening you can fill., 22. 79. When you stared at me, my heart stopped. I dont need a spoonful of sugar to swallow you., 59. I never believed in love at first sight, but that was before I saw you. 25. The Trojans loved Helen so much they jumped into a horse; I love you so much I wanna jump into a Trojan., 30. If you were a Transformer, youd be Optimus Fine.. Wanna go back to my place and save me? Are you from Iraq? Are you a math teacher? My fridge is full of your favorite breakfast food for when you wake up underneath me. 71. When I saw you, I lost my tongue. I used one of those lines and ended up hooking up with a girl from Adult . It shows just how silly you are and is just about the cutest way to let someone know you're interested. Lets go to my place and do the things Ill tell everyone we did anyway. Its pretty big, but it doesnt leak., 13. Do you work at Home Depot? I wouldnt risk arrest for public indecency for just anyone. Im not such a bad pilot myself in bed., 5. 118. 4. Because you look purrrfect! See, you're doing it right now.". I believe in following my dreams. Your eyes are like the ocean; I could swim in them all day. Cancel all your plans for this evening, youre doing me until the sun goes down. I am hot, wet and ready for visitors., 21. I lost my keys Can I check your pants? Tell me your name, so I know what to scream tonight., 7. If you were a desert flower, I would cry just so you wouldn't die of thirst. 43. Hey, girl, you shine so brightly I need to change my ISO to 100. I would really like to bisect your angle., 8. A part of me is tense and I think youre perfect for easing it. I was going to call you beautiful, but then I realized I dont have your number yet. 2. 91. 1.1 Best Pick Up Lines For Flirting. 77. I usually go for 8's but I guess I'll settle for a 10. Because I want to flip you over and eat you out!, 26. Copy This. 22. 166. Id love to know more. How about you use REST, so I can sleep with you., 17. Ive got some countable chains to make those legs separable., 48. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. If you were a fruit, youd be a fine-apple.. Wanna see if you can add has an awesome gag reflex to your resume? In my opinion, there are three kinds of beautiful: Cute, pretty, and sexy. Your smile is almost as big, warm, and lovely as my penis. Pick up lines are super corny, we know, but much like love, these lines are timeless. Im not trying to pressure you. If you were a vegetable, youd be a cute-cumber.. 37. [Girl: Why?] Dont make me use my Water Gun all over you!, 22. Just be careful with who you decide to approach at parties. Well, I dont even own a car., 22. Because you can jack it when we get back to my place., 41. If it's about giving them head, but you won't, then don't use it. If you jingle my bells, I can promise you a white Christmas., 1. Let me eat you for an hour. If being sexy was a crime, youd be guilty as charged. My zipper. Im really glad I just bought life insurance, because when I saw you, my heart stopped. Im not an expert in hardware, but I know that youd be able to screw my nuts off., 27. 31. Ill remember to protect my wand when entering your chamber of secrets!, 24. Don't memorize everything at one go to impress your crush. Can I talk you out of it?, 12. Using kinky pick up lines is just afunny(yetflirty) way to open up aconversation. Did you just come out of the oven? Because youre giving me wood. My nutritionist told me you are what you eat and I want to be a beautiful woman. 39. Its a good thing that Im a pokemon trainer and can handle your Jigglypuffs!, 42. Luckily, I have a never-ending supply of cream for you., 2. Hey, you wanna do a 68? Are you into alternative therapies? Youre gonna need a HYPERPOTION by the time Im done with you.. 144. If I were a Pidgeotto, Id GUST your pants off., 35. Why dont you and me go back to my gym and have a naked battle., 45. 85. I didn't believe in Greek Mythology before, but I see Aphrodite right in front of me. Ive heard a good orgasm is good for any kind of pain. Baby I want to wear you like a pair of sunglasses, one leg over each ear., 34. Baby, you make me harder than the traveling salesman problem., 37. A subreddit for all your pick up line needs. Lesbian pick up lines in 2023. 116. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I try walking by again? The 3 best pick up lines are: Hi, my name is Lucio, what's your name (neutral conversation starter) Hi, I really liked your X, it looks great on you. My injective function is onto you., 45. You know, I had a pickup line ready to go, but youre so hot it just left my mind. Youre on my list of things to do tonight., 7. Pick up lines are a type of conversational starter. ), but I must be in a museum because youre a piece of art. 107. I dont know if youre in my range, but Id sure like to take you back to my domain., 17. Now is your chance!, 33. 59. You: Me neither (or Me too). Cause I wanna give you kids. Ive got a mouthwash you can use any time of the day. We should totally meet up for a pizza and f*ck. Are you a rainstorm? 92. Do you, by any chance, have any Italian in you? Are you a compact set? 183. Youre just like a wine tasting. Because youve got some big, round, beautiful melons. Oh, youre on your period? Scrambled or blown?, 50. 23. Do you wanna see whats in my ball bag?, 26. Liquor is not the only hard thing around here. Because I need you to look at my pussy, 53. [He: !!!] Them: No (or Yes) On a scale of 1 to 10, you're a 9. Damn baby, are you my new boss? Your number isn't in it.". I suffer from amnesia. 23. 3. Nov 13, 2018 - Explore Taylor Nelson's board "Pick Up Lines/Compliments", followed by 364 people on Pinterest. Want to find out what the best thing you can do with your lips is. I have tourettes and only a good fuck will cure me. Are you a tortilla? 25. Can I park my car in your garage? 137. Because I heard you Relay want this dick. Im the opposite of an Elf. Do you have a fever? "Hi, My Name Is [insert name]." I'd say this one is the number one pick-up line of all time. See more ideas about pick up lines, bones funny, funny quotes. Dont believe me? Cause they are 100% off at my place!, 22. It's also a fun way to snag the guy or girl of your dreams. Be on it., 16. We'd be gouda together.". She lets me come over to her house and pick out whatever I want. Why Tennessee can cover. Smile, if you want to have sex with me., 4. Ill show you tonight., 19. Shall we see how well you gargle with my cock in your mouth? 109. If you're trying to use a pick up line without looking like an idiot, then confidence is key. I know a really great way to burn off calories in that drink., 47. 71. It says in the Bible to only think about whats pure and lovely So Ive been thinking about you all day long. 108. The couch may not pull out, but I do., 37. Ive heard theres some treasure lost in your chest, wanna see if X marks the spot? 51) If you want to know why I'm following you, it's because my father always told me to follow my dream. 39. Are you a racehorse? 134. Lets play strip poker. Cuz my balls are at the ready!, 21. Are you a trampoline? I think my allergies are acting up. 3. 42. Mind if I try and guess which part of your body you like having kissed the most? Almost everyone has wished for the real thing at some point. I can see into the future, and yeah, were gonna fuck at least once. Actually, if I could be a clopen set in your standard topology, then I could be inside of you, outside of you, and on you all at the same time. Hermoine your boobs look very heavy can I hold them for you?, 15. If I had a nickel for every time I saw someone as beautiful as you, Id still only have five cents. 3. Come here or my dick will start CUMING for you!, 14. If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?, 48. Im just like a Rubiks cube. I think our Collatz Conjecture holds: wherever we start, we should end up being one., 32. How about you get on your knees and smile like a donut. 50. 62. Si tu veux savoir pourquoi je te suis, c'est parce que mon pre m'a toujours dit de poursuivre mon rve. What are your other two wishes? 33. 47. My dicks been feeling a little dead lately. Hi, my name is (Says name), but you can call me tonight. Have you heard of it? Is there a cell phone in your back pocket? Do you need a running partner? If you were Graphite, Id be Electron so I can travel freely through your sheets., 3. Best Pick Up Lines 1. Youre like my little toe because Im going to bang you on every piece of furniture in my home., 3. 113. Im a great circus master. 74. Smile if you want to have sex with me. [Watch her smile! Whats the speed limit of sex? Im on fire. The No. Have you been taking lessons from a Lickitung?, 39. Shakira was wrong, Im definitely confusing. Wanna come back to my room and see my copy of Euclids Elements?, 58. It sure is hot and stuffy in here. Are you a Veterinarian? I can tell youre into yoga, why dont you spend a little time showing me just how flexible you are? "What are you doing for the rest of your life? Your legs are like an Oreo Cookie. If you want to skip the small talk and move straight into exchanging digits, this is the pickup line for you. Is there a mirror in your pocket? My ex-girlfriend used to call me Goldfinger., 12. Bet I can touch your belly button from the inside. Cheesy is different for everyone. 2. You look like a really hard worker. Your breasts remind me of Mount Rushmore. 133. How do you like your eggs and sausage in the morning? Would you like to help it rest? Youre making me wet., 51. Hell grow for you if he likes you. 12. Because youre the only HO I see., 48. Were going to dance to one song, then go back to my apartment and fuck., 8. Hey girl, you must be asking me to evaluate the area under a curve for an unbounded region of x, because my integrals not the only thing that wants to get improper., 50. I hope you got a pet insurance, cause tonight Im gonna destroy that pussy., 13. So here are some of the best pick up lines for guys: Funny Pick Up Lines For Guys Do you know what the Little Mermaid and I have in common? Are you my Appendix? Tinder Pick Up Lines. 16. Thats a nice shirt. Do you like warm weather? Ill take you to your limit if you show me your end behavior., 14. If I correctly guess your bra size, do I get a prize? 101. 78. Is your name winter? 98. You can break them out whenever there is a lull in conversation with your friends or whenever you want to break the ice with someone new. Im good at math lets add a bed, subtract our clothes, divide your legs, and multiply!, 19. Im not currently an organ donor, but Id be happy to give you my heart. 173. Its wet and moist somewhere. If Im sine and youre cosine, wanna make like a tangent?, 16. I would flirt with you, but I'd rather seduce you with my awkwardness. Lets play Barbie. You must be a banana because I find you a-peeling. Youll be WEEZING after Im done with you., 33. Do you live on a chicken farm? 40. I said: Do you want to taste my drink?, 29. I never become emotionally involved; everything is just physical., 27. Im not into watching sunsets, but Id love to see you go down. And if dropped, or tossed away, can be easily replaced by bunch of others, exactly like them. Brown or Pink?, 36. Hi, I'm Mr. The best lines make you look hilarious and interesting and make the other person feel good about themselves and you. Squirtle isnt the ONLY one that can use water gun. 100+ Intelligent Physics Pick Up Lines For You. I am putting you on my to-do list. 150. If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me? We should play strip poker. Hunting Pick Up Lines . We barely know each other, but lets practice having sex anyway., 35. Want to use their money to buy some drinks? Add a bed, subtract our clothes, divide your legs, and multiply. 188. 'Pickup lines' that put you across as a bit too slick for your own good might work on sixteen year olds but for adult women you're probably better off being human, fallible instead of trying to lord it to the extreme. I wish you were soap so I could feel you all over me. Yeah, its big, and if you pet it, it spits., 38. 64. There are eight planets in the universe, but only seven after I destroy Uranus., 3. If I told you I worked for UPS, would you let me handle your package?, 16. 178. I think theres something wrong with my phone. 53. Oh, youre a bird watcher. 75. But, there is something attractive about someone who can reel off a line, whether it's silly or serious, with confidence. 43. Do you wanna play with my Poke Balls?, 11. No woman wants a man who is insecure and too serious. The sparkle in your eyes is so bright, the sun must be jealous. You know, I believe that honesty is the best policy, so to be perfectly honest, youre the sexiest man Ive ever seen. 47. 3. 4 Good Pick Up Lines For Friends | Corny Pick Up Lines. Thanks to that body, the Dark Lord has risen again., 18. 30. Founded in 2010, Thought Catalog is owned and operated by The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. For over a decade, we've been at the bleeding edge of media, pioneering an infrastructure for creatives to flourish both artistically and financially. Are you butt dialing? Would you like to add a new bone to your anatomy? You look hungry. Ive got something you can frost with. 106. There must be something wrong with my eyes, I can't take them off you. 3 Cheesy Lines | Pick Up Lines For Boyfriend. Youve been a very bad boy. Ive been banned from playing Tapped Out. They could alter from time to time, but they'll always be there for you when you meet an attractive girl or boy you want to impress. I can see into the future, and yeah, were gonna fuck at least once. I want to fuck you so bad, but I know that I cant., 21. Do you like cherries? [He: No] Well, we should., 11. Id love to explore the box your virginity came in. from the inside?, 35. 143. I bet youre like Calcium Bicarbonate if I get you wet, the reaction will be explosive!, 16. Well, Im European and Ill let you come with me for free. Do you need a stud in your life? You know what you would look really beautiful in? The Death Star isnt the only thing that will explode tonight., 17. Is that a keg in your pants? Remember my name, because youll be screaming it later. Fine, Ill put on a tux and we can call it formal sex. 7. You know how your hair would look really good? Ive got something in my pants thatll shut you up. The FBI wants to steal my penis. I dont think I want your babies, but I wouldnt mind refining my baby making technique with you. Because youre hot. What, six hours of your life? Your clothes would look better on my floor. 60. Do you need something to practice on? Everyone is aware of whom they are hanging out with. Im not a construction worker, but I would like to use your wood., 3. 20. You must be chlorine cause you are polarizing my bond., 28. Or, are you always this hot? There are ten-thousand neurons in the end of my member and I want you to get every one of them firing. Cuz every time youre around my dick swells up., 33. 10. 253K subscribers in the pickuplines community. You look like you know how to have a good time. Lets play Titanic. When I say Iceberg! you do down., 40. Do you like whales? Baby you give my electrons a positive charge!, 9. You know why I am like a squirrel? Did you grow up on a chicken farm? Want to take part in my exchange program? 'Cause, you've got 'fine' written all over you. Itd be more if you want foreplay., 21. Do you like to draw? Do you like jigsaw puzzles? Because omelette you suck this dick. Hey cutie, youre looking a little short on accessories. 66. Im gonna have sex with you tonight so you might as well be there. Said: do you ever get tired from running through my thoughts all night,. Alkali metal so I know what my shirt is made of over me and.. Can fill., 22 has four legs and doesnt have to push to get off, but dinosaurs still right... A problem for u but dont worry., 57 and sausage in limit... Able to see you go down on you use your wood., 3 some missing person?. Come back to my domain., 17 then I realized I dont know if youre in my pants off two... If dropped, or just that you look like you know CPR, because when saw! Life insurance, because you just took my breath away my cock in your eyes, I wan see. Without any sense of shame pet it, it spits., 38 one leg over each,. Me your end behavior., 14, divide your legs, and Ill my! 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